The best performers have directors, the best creators have collaborators and the best magicians grow together. That's exactly what we give you.
Once a month you join a call with 10 other magicians + our magic EXPERT of the month.
Each magician (especially YOU) will perform, and get feedback from the expert, and the community!
Plus you'll get to keep the feedback video afterwards too!
We've turned magic lectures upside down
What would your magic look like if you got feedback from the pros every single month?
Once a month join your class with a brand new magician...ready to give YOU feedback!
Jonah Babins, Ben Train, John Guastaferro, Manuel Llaser, Paul Vigil, Suzanne.. plus a few more!
How cool is that?
$500/year or $49.99/mo
The Wall of Awesomeness
Ben Train and Jonah Babins here.
Every entertainer you know is built off of learning, feedback, and collaboration with other magicians.
Here's the truth: We are the magicians that we are today because of strong vibrant magic communities. From forums, to summer camps, podcasts, to social media, to our home in Toronto. Now we finally get to give back to you!
When social isolation began you told us you needed connection and support. Not more books, videos, or new releases.
You told us you needed community, mentorship, tailored advice, motivation, and magic that you can actually use.
Introducing Magic Out Loud...
If you attended Unconventional.Fun you can join as a founding member.
It will never be this price again.